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Global Market Access: A Regulatory Guide for Apparel Brands & Retailers

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Global companies today face an ever-growing number of challenges when it comes to moving goods from their supply chain into the marketplace, specifically in the form of supply chain due diligence.

Download the eBook now for insights to help you future-proof your supply chain from global regulatory impacts – from regulations to be aware of to powerful strategies for due diligence and traceability.

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More About the eBook

The regulatory landscape is in a constant state of evolution. Pressure from governments, non-government organizations (NGOs) and consumers alike are leading to changes in how companies are expected to operate – often in order to address global issues like preventing forced labor in the supply chain or reducing violence in specific regions of the world.


In this eBook, you will learn:

  • What are some of the regulatory barriers to market access for fashion and apparel brands and retailers, including the UFLPA and others
  • How to approach due diligence at scale
  • The growing value of traceability within the regulatory environment
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